10月28日,五次获得格莱美提名的 Brandon Heath 和著名的 BEC Recordings 艺术家 Tasha Layton 共同创作了一首名为“God Made A Way”的新歌。
Brandon Heath Knell 于1978 年 7 月 21日出生于田纳西州纳什维尔。
他三岁时父母离异, Heath由离异的母亲抚养五六年再婚。Heath说,在他早年的生活中,他对家人怀恨在心。
他在 13 岁时收到了吉他作为圣诞礼物,大约在同一时间,他开始写他的第一首歌曲。
Heath是纳什维尔希尔斯伯勒高中的合唱团成员(The SophistiCats),他的老师鼓励他去追求音乐。
在 16 岁时参加马里布俱乐部时, Heath说他“第一次听说JESUS”;
他说,在参加夏令营之前,他从未真正去Church,并表示 Young Life “向我展示了Christ,让我融入了Church”。
Heath 就读于中田纳西州立大学并获得了英语学士学位。
Heath 已发专辑
2006: Don’t Get Comfortable
2008: What If We
2011: Leaving Eden
2012: Blue Mountain
2013: Christmas Is Here
2015: No Turning Back
2017: Faith Hope Love Repeat
2022: Enough Already
God Made A Way
That night when Jesus was born
Back two thousand years or so
Guess in the grand scheme of time
It wasn’t really that long ago
When Mary laid down
Holding onto Joseph
It wasn’t his child but
He believed she was chosen
That night when Jesus was born
Two thousand years ago
When God made a way
God made a way
A way in a manger
God made a way
God made a way
A way in a manger
Wish I could follow the star
To that little town of Bethlehem
Walk through the fields where those wise men
And shepherds watched over him
But what would I say
What would I bring
What else could I do but just worship my king
Wish I could follow the star
To that little town of Bethlehem
Where God made a way
God made a way
A way in a manger
God made a way
God made a way
A way in a manger
In his infinite love
It had to be done
He did the impossible
And gave up his son
God made a way
A way in a manger
For God so loved the world
And God still loves the world
Look at all His hands have made
It was God who made a way
For God so loved the world
And God still loves the world
His only son to save
It was God who made a way
As I sit down in the quiet
In the dark of this living room
Snow falling outside my window
I can’t help but think of you
That God made a way
God made a way
A way in a manger
There was no other way
God made a way
A way in a manger
– End –
主编|李翔 Sean Lee